Ci-Chib's Ozzy Os' Rock the World


Results 2022 ( entered 22 shows)

17 BOB - 19 DK CAC - 1 CAC Norway - 3 NORDIC CAC


DKJCH - KLBJCH - KLBJTW 22 - ROJV 22 - ROV 22 - Århus Vinder 22 - Århus Junior vinder 22 - Bering junior vinder 22 - Bering vinder 22 - DKJV 22 - DKJV 22 - DKKV 22 - KLBV 22



Ozzy's parents

Far/Father: Shibumi's Finest Chocolate Truffle. Opdrætter Petra Lindberg

Mother: Russkaya Roskosh Kadril Zarodnaya. Opdrætter Larisa Veretennikova    


I'm very thankful to both breeders for their great work with the breed, which made my boy possible. 


PRA-prcd fri/clear

Patella 0-0

Øjenundersøgelse intet påvist - Eyeexamination clear